“Results You Can Measure” refers to achieving outcomes or objectives that are quantifiable and can be evaluated using specific metrics or indicators. It suggests a focus on measuring and assessing the effectiveness or success of a particular effort, whether it is a marketing campaign, project, or any other initiative. The emphasis is on tangible and measurable results that can be analyzed and used to inform decision-making and future strategies.


Most businesses these days have integrated at least some kind of digital company solutions into their overall project strategy. However, digital project often needs a budget, and it turns out employers don’t like to dish out money for something that doesn’t prove its worth. Even if employers are invested in digital project with or without results, it’s important for companies to know how their campaigns are performing to be able to make adjustments that will bring in more leads.

Here’s the thing: only 29% of companies believe they are measuring their project performance well. It doesn’t have to be that way – companies on any budget can successfully and effectively measure their digital projects results.



Before measuring anything, you should understand why you’re measuring. Set some goals for your organization. Are you trying to build awareness? Get more sales leads? Engage more with your customers? Define a couple goals that you want to reach, and that will help you define what numbers you should be measuring. Once these goals are set, create Key Performance Indicators (KPI) for each of these goals. By doing this, you are defining what is valuable to your company. For example: if awareness is a top priority, you should set a goal for project visits, and then try to beat those goals month to month.

Below are some KPI’s that you should consider setting for your organization:

Site Traffic

Of the most obvious metrics to measure, a company should not only track the traffic. How many people are coming to your project and engaging with it? How many pages are they browsing? This is the baseline number for all your project visits and each of your pages.

New Vs. Returning Traffic

Is your information valuable to your project visitors and are you building relationships with them by getting them to come back to your project? This number can tell you.

Mobile Traffic

We all know that mobile has reached the tipping point to overtake desktop search, so make sure that your project and your content is mobile-optimized to reach your audience.

Site Sources

Not only can analytics tell you how much traffic is coming to your project, but it can tell you what people are coming to see. This is valuable because you can understand what content is performing well and what content could use some work.

Average Time On Page

This number will show if visitors are consuming the content for the appropriate length of time and help show if content is relevant to the audience.

Bounce Rate

Going hand-in-hand with average time on page, the bounce rate shows if someone jumps on the project, then leaves without looking at other pages on the project – an indication that content might need work.

Conversion Rate

This measures the effectiveness of email campaigns by showing how many recipients took an action, and what sources are converting to leads.

Number Of Leads

Every form that is filled on a company’s project should be tracked. The more information that is collected through the forms, the easier it is to segment leads to companies know where to focus their attention.

Search Engine Rankings

The mother of all KPI’s – you want to make every effort to boost your search engine rankings through SEO and SEM tactics. Good rankings deliver good traffic to your project, which often translates into sales leads.